AGM March 27th 7pm, News (Coldwater Minor Hockey Association)

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Feb 28, 2023 | Executive | 8339 views
AGM March 27th 7pm
Hello Hockey Parents, Guardians, Players and Friends I would like to invite you to attend our Annual General Meeting being held on March 27 at 7 PM upstairs at the Coldwater Arena.
At this meeting we review the financial position of our association, review proposed changes to our constitution review any changes to minor hockey as proposed by the OMHA and elect new members to our executive.
There is an online nomination form to nominate a person to one of the available positions under the Year End tab on the website.
This is your opportunity to have your say to how the association is run. We currently have just over 200 local athletes participating in our association and it takes 12 elected volunteers to make all this run smoothly.

This year we are offering an incentive for you to attend the AGM. Each parent or guardian that attends will receive a discount of $25.00 their player's registration for the 2023/2024 season. Max one discount per registered player.

This year we have the following positions available for election:
Ways and Means Director
Equipment Manager
Tournament Director
All positions require that the nominee have been a member of the association.


DUTIES: The President shall preside at all General Meetings of the Association and Executive Committee Meetings with the usual privileges of the office. The President shall be a member of all committees.
ELIGIBILITY: Persons nominated for President shall have served for two years on the Executive Committee and have been a member of the Association for at least three years. If there is no Executive member having served two years a consideration of an Executive Committee member for one year shall be put forward.
RESTRICTION: The President shall not be representative of any member of the Executive Committee and shall only cast a vote to break a tie.

DUTIES: The Treasurer shall keep an accurate record of all monies received and disbursed and report same at each regular meeting and present a Financial Statement to the Annual General Meeting. He/She shall pay all accounts by cheque. The Treasurer shall have the books audited once by two independent auditors appointed at the A.G.M. The auditors may be members of the association and must have a background in finance and/or accounting. The Treasurer shall be one of the three signing Officers of the Association, the other two being the President and Vice-President. Each cheque will require the signature of any two of the three.
ELIGIBILITY: Persons nominated for Treasurer shall have been a member of the Association for at least two years.

DUTIES: The Ways & Mean Booth Chairperson shall be responsible for the operation of the Minor Hockey Snack Bar during the hockey season. This will include staffing and the ordering and selling of all food, candy, supplies and other saleable products. The Chairperson will make recommendations to the Executive for the purchase of equipment for the snack bar and notify the Executive of any problems related to the snack bar. He/she will provide a verbal report on the activities of the Snack bar at each Executive meeting. He/she will have a list of duties and expectations for staffing duties pertaining to the Snack Bar. The Chairperson will organize the Tournament food booth in conjunction with the Tournament Convenor and the Executive.
ELIGIBILITY: Persons nominated for Ways & Means Booth Chairperson shall have been a member of the Association 

DUTIES: The Equipment Manager shall be responsible for all of the equipment in possession of the Association. He/She will compile an inventory list of all equipment; will assign sweaters, goalie equipment and other related equipment to the team official or member. All team officials or members will be required to sign all equipment out. He/She will make requests and recommendations of equipment required to the Executive Committee meetings and provide a verbal report on the equipment.
ELIGIBILITY: Persons nominated for Equipment Manager shall have been a member of the Association.

DUTIES: The Tournament Convenor will facilitate the organization of the Rep, Local League and House League tournaments in Coldwater. He/she will work with the Operations Committee, the OMHA Convenor, the Local League Convenor and the division convenors. He/she will be a member of the Executive and will attend all Executive meetings and report verbally to the Executive.  

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