Jun 01, 2021 | Executive | 1729 views
First Shift
Coldwater is proud to have been chosen for the First Shift program for the 2021/22 season. Please share this info with your friends and neighbors. The program is for 6-10 year olds that have not been previously registered in hockey. For the price of $229.00 they will receive 6 weeks of instruction, full gear head to toe; Skates • Stick • Gloves • Helmet combo, including face mask • Shoulder & elbow pads • Pants & shin guards • Neck guard • Jock/jill under protective shorts • Bag • Socks and jersey
Sign up available on June 15th at https://www.firstshift.ca/ We are able to accommodate 30 players in Coldwater let's max out our numbers and show a bunch of kids how great hockey is!!!