Back in September we were finally able to recognize the award winners for last season. These awards are association awards that are nominated and voted on by the executive and members to recognize those players, supporters, bench staff and volunteers that go above and beyond for hockey in Coldwater. Congratulations to all the winners listed here. Photos to follow shortly.
2019/2020 Season Special Award Winners
Novice MVP Gary Simpson Memorial Award Brody Boylea
Atom MVP Joe Moreau Memorial Award Nathan Houben
Peewee MVP Lytle Johnstone Memorial Award Cole Thornton
Bantam MVP Marshall Gouett Memorial Award Kyle Heckendorn
Midget MVP Off-ice-Official Award Caleb Scott
Trainer of the Year Bill Gleadall Memorial Award Jen Straw
Coach of the Year Danny Bell
Volunteer of the Year Greg Aymer Award Cheryll Barr
Fan Of the Year Gerald Mallard Memorial Award Peter & Donna Beard
Club Supporter Leslie Ball Memorial Award Cheryll Barr
Rookie Player Victor Johnstone Memorial Logan Robinson
Outstanding Defenceman Earl Brandon Award Kyle Zulak
Rookie Goalie Greg Brown Memorial Quentin Jaensch
Peewee/Bantam Goalie Dwayne Lahay Memorial Hannah Dupuis
Midget Goalie Olaf Schneider Memorial Sam Neely
Outstanding Goalie Frank Morano Memorial Ben Parro
Referee's Choice Award Josh Bell
Jon Marshall Memorial Award Travis Bell Midget #1
Aydan Madigan-Hall Midget #2