Although our season came to an abrupt halt we still want to reflect on the season. Coldwater still had teams competing Atom 3, Peewee 2 and Bantam 2 were all in the Championship series. We also want to thank the many coaches, trainers, managers and volunteers that made this season a success. There were successful tournaments in every age group that took many hands to contribute. We will have to wait until a later date to congregate for a celebration but we do not want the season to end without recognizing those voted by their coaches to receive awards. The awards will be distributed when time allows but the list is attached here....
· Most Improved Player - This award is presented to a player who is honoured for their work ethic, determination and positive attitude in improving their hockey skills and abilities over the course of the year. It is awarded to an individual who works hard, has shown the most improvement in puck handling, shooting, passing and skating, as measured from the beginning to the end of the season.
· Most Sportsmanlike Player - This award is presented to a player who has demonstrated extraordinary team play and spirit, both in their approach to the game and their attitude towards their teammates. It is awarded to an individual who works hard, shows dedication to their team and their teammates in all circumstances, places the interests of their team and teammates ahead of themselves, who does not complain, perseveres and relies on sportsmanship, on and off the ice, to achieve their goals.
· Most Dedicated Player - This award is presented a player who is recognized as the “go-to-person” or the player most relied on by the team for their skill, talent and ability to come through in a difficult situation. It is awarded to the player who the coaching staff believes has consistently demonstrated hard work, exceptional attendance at games and practices and a marked talent in puck handling, shooting, passing and skating throughout the year in different and difficult circumstances. They have shown leadership both on and off the ice throughout the season.
IP our youngest players will all receive an award for their accomplishments this year.
Quinn Algar
Rylan Beard
Elias Bilissis
Kendall Brech
Carter Cooke
Fionn Flahive
Jackson Forbes
Abigail Gibson
Montgomery Gouett
Tristan Green
Parker Hodgson
Penson Laughlin
Caleb Maraj
Luke Milligan
Beckett Murray
Kayden Rock
Alden Rock
Quinn Rodzynek
Logan Rodzynek
Olivia Sweeney
Liam Zacchigna
Bench Staff: Matt Murray, Josh Beard, Lauren Rodzynek, Angela Gibson
Thanks to our many on ice volunteers for helping with the program.
Jack Ashcroft
Gavin Balfe
Hudson Campbell
Angus Fenwick
Tyler Greasley
Maverick Gouett
Emmett Kraus
Emerson Post
Kohan Shank
William Woods
Ethyn Zacchigna
Bench Staff: Tom Kraus, Angeline Gourlie
Congratulations to:
Most Improved: Kohan Shank
Most Sportsmanlike: Gavin Balfe
Most Dedicated: Jack Ashcroft
Grant Ball
Brody Bolyea
Quentin Jaensch
Brayden Kilpatrick
Nolan Lussier
Jonah Madigan
Orlando Maraj
Logan Newland
Nolan Pinkney
Jack Pinkney
Gavin Smith
Zayd Stanley
Bench Staff: Gord Jaensch, Jon Ball, Jeff Stanley, Rebecca Jaensch, Jen Bristow, Jake Bolyea
Congratulations to:
Most Improved: Nolan Lussier
Most Sportsmanlike: Gavin Smith
Most Dedicated: Brody Bolyea
ATOM 1- U11
Evan Diana
Luke Duivenvoorden
Nathan Elliott
Nathan Houben
Matthew Milligan
Isaac Milligan
Ben Parro
Aaliyah Price
Ethan Redmond
Ellie Straw
Rayden Ward
Bench Staff: Mike Milligan, Nick Parro, Jen Straw, Heather Duivenvoorden
Congratulations to:
Most Improved: Nathan Elliott
Most Sportsmanlike: Ellie Straw
Most Dedicated: Nathan Houben and Ben Parro
ATOM 2- U11
Jaxon Angliss
Tanner Campbell
Lachlan Chapman
Morgan Fairbairn
Bella Forthuber
David Francey
Taveon Low
Tommy Kellachan
Brady ter Stege
Spencer Sheffield
Brodie Stanton
Klaytton Zalewski
Bench Staff: Tom Chapman, Mandi Lee Beattie, Kris Zalewski, Ellena Francey
Congratulations to:
Most Improved: Tanner Campbell
Most Sportsmanlike: Taveon Low
Most Dedicated: Spencer Sheffield
ATOM 3- U11
John Abel
Cabot Ferguson
Calder Ferguson
Holden Jaensch
Owen Kennedy
Gavin Kraus
Nick Larson
Kypton Rhodes
Benny Staring
Brady Staring
Mason Whitley
Bench Staff: Gord Jaensch, Tom Kraus, Tom Larson, Rob Ferguson, Jen Bristow
Congratulations to:
Most Improved: Nick Larson
Most Sportsmanlike: Kypton Rhodes
Most Dedicated: Holden Jaensch
Benjamin Basso
Spencer Camick
Wesley Laughlin
Colton Marley
Owen Parro
Jack Straw
Nikolas Szalay
Cole Thornton
Gavin Van Niekerk
Riley Whitely
Kyle Zulak
Bench Staff: Brian Zulak, James Thornton, Cory Basso, Chris Straw, Jeff Marley
Congratulations to:
Most Improved: Spencer Camick
Most Sportsmanlike: Ben Basso and Colton Marley
Most Dedicated: Jack Straw
Hope Anderson
Owen Angliss
Tristan Awrey
Brody Carpenter
Landon Chalmers
Trent Fogarty
Rourke Kana
Evan Liscoumb
Logan Robinson
Peyton Robinson
Nathan Thibault
Nathan Webb
Bench Staff: Andrew Awrey, Shawn Fogarty, Larry Liscoumb, Kathleen Carpenter, Paul Thibault
Congratulations to:
Most Improved: Owen Angliss
Most Sportsmanlike: Hope Anderson
Most Dedicated: Nathan Thibault
Nolan Atkinson
Ethan Cright
Alex Crothers
Patrick Foley
Jackson Gillespie
Justice Gillespie
Aaron Kennedy
Max Roemer
Lacey Sisson
Gavin Woodrow
Christina Walsh
Bench Staff: Mark Roemer, Brad Gillespie, Sean Atkinson, Teresa Gillespie
Congratulations to:
Most Improved: Patrick Foley
Most Sportsmanlike: Christina Walsh
Most Dedicated: Alex Crothers
Trent Aigeldinger
Brooklyn Angliss
Cameron Angliss
Braydon Bourgeois
Owen Brandon
Hanna Dupuis
Mariana Gogarty
Kyle Heckendorn
Adam Henderson
Owen Kitchen
Thomas Launchbury
Lukas Taylor
Bench Staff: Jon Taylor, Darren Angliss, Jason Kitchen, Kerry Heckendorn
Congratulations to:
Most Improved: Owen Brandon
Most Sportsmanlike: Kyle Heckendorn
Most Dedicated: Trent Aigeldinger
Aidan Aigeldinger
Travis Bell
Logan Cox
Dalton Gauley
Scott Henderson
Owen Johnson
Jordyn Laughlin
Ethan Ledebrink
Avery Lovering
Lane Mattice
Kieran McConaghy
Jackson Mitchell
Bobby Nahuis
Sam Neely
Wesley OLeary
Dylan Petroff
Joey Roemer
Aidan Silk
Hunter Sisson
Bench Staff: Danny Bell, Steve Lovering, Josh Bell, Brandon Mitchell, Tim McConaghy
Congratulations to:
Most Improved: Ethan Ledebrink and Wesley O’leary
Most Sportsmanlike: Bobby Nahuis
Most Dedicated: Jackson Mitchell and Sam Neely
Dylan Arnold
Devin Bolyea
Jack Brazda
Marco D’Agnillo
Nolin Derstroff
Wyatt Genereux
Jakson Gerrard
Liam Hibbs
Nolan Inglis
Joshua Laughlin
Lucas Mackey
Aydan Madigan-Hall
Cole Rasmussen
Caleb Scott
Noah Simpson
Skyler Smith
Randy Thompson
Mackenzie Webb
Bench Staff: Dave Simpson, Jake Bolyea, Glenn Arnold, Jeremy Rasmussen, Richard Derstroff, Bev Mackey
Congratulations to:
Most Improved: Jack Brazda
Most Sportsmanlike: Wyatt Genereux and McKenzie Webb
Most Dedicated: Lucas Mackey