Nov 15, 2019 | Executive | 2562 views
Coldwater Minor hockey photo night is coming!
Tuesday November 19th starting at 5:30 pm we will have all individual and team photos done for the 2019/20 season.
We ask that you confirm your time below and be sure to be at the rink in full equipment to have your photo taken as we do run a tight schedule.
IP 5:15
Minor Novice 5:30
Novice 5:45
Atom 1 6:00
Atom 2 6:15
Atom 3 6:30
Peewee 1 6:45
Peewee 2 7:00
Bantam 1 7:15
Bantam 2 7:30
Midget 1 7:45
Midget 2 8:00