Nov 04, 2017 | K Aigeldinger | 3150 views
Coldwater Minor hockey photo night is coming!!!
Tuesday November 19th starting at 5:30 pm we will have all individual and team photos done for the 2019/20 season. We ask that you confirm your time below and be sure to be at the rink in full equipment ahead of your scheduled time to have your photo taken as we do run a tight schedule.
IP 5:30
Minor Novice 5:45
Novice 6:00
Atom 1 6:15
Atom 2 6:30
Atom 3 6:45
Peewee 1 7:00
Peewee 2 7:15
Bantam 1 7:30
Bantam 2 7:45
Midget 1 8:00
Midget 2 8:15
FYI orders will not be taken ahead but you will be given proofs of your pictures and the order forms shortly after photo night. This will allow for all to be back for Christmas giving.
Practices previously scheduled this night will be rescheduled.