U13 Team 2 Fights back to a Banner!!!, News, SECOND SHIFT (Coldwater Minor Hockey Association)

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Organization | Apr 03, 2024 | Executive | 3163 views
U13 Team 2 Fights back to a Banner!!!
U13 team 2 has had their work cut out for them.  They had some upheavals in bench staff early on and a hard season with little success points wise as they battled through the regular season. They were always present trying hard to improve their odds.
The round robin split the U13 divisions of 23 teams into 4 groups of similar points to battle through for banners and medals. 
Team 2 went through the round robin with 7 wins and one loss putting them to the D finals against Georgian Shores 1. Game 1 was a home win for the Wildcats 3-1 then onto Meaford for a hard fought loss of 4-3 which brought the Cats back home for game 3.

Game 3-March 26 on home ice the first period ended tied at 1 each. The second period saw CW pull ahead by a goal. The 3rd was not time to sit back as Georgian Shores kept on coming.  Coldwater pulled off 3 goals and GS one to finish with 5-2 win in front of full stands! It was a super exciting game with a hattrick for Quentin Jaensch, 2 beauty goals for Gavin Balfe and amazing game for Olivia Norris in the net!!  The whole team was thrilled with the result players and bench staff alike!!!  We are so proud of your hard work and determination, Congrats!!
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