Jan 12, 2024 | Executive | 2714 views
U13 Coldwater Classic January 6th
January 6th our U13 parents and coaches ran a fantastic tournament for teams from near and far. The positive feedback is a testament to the hard work of many involved. The day began with Wildcats #2 edging above Penetang, then Lefroy won over Thornton, Parry Sound won against Coldwater#1 and Almaguin edged out the Woodville team. This set all teams up for the next 2 rounds of play.
The afternoon was filled with some great challenges, Chuck a Puck and raffle tables creating more winners. The B final saw Coldwater #1 meet up with Thornton for a close 3-2 game that the Tigers took gold in. The A Final of saw Lefroy prevail over the Parry Sound Shamrocks with some great plays by both teams! Thanks to all involved you made CMHA proud!!