Feb 27, 2020 | Karen Aigeldinger | 7141 views
AGM Mar 9/2020 @ 7pm- Legion Upstairs
Hello Hockey Parents, Guardians,Players and Friends I would like to invite you to attend our Annual General Meeting being held on March 9 at 7 PM upstairs at the Coldwater Legion. At this meeting we review the financial position of our association, review proposed changes to our constitution review any changes to minor hockey as proposed by the OMHA and elect new members to our executive. This is your opportunity to have your say to how the association is run. We currently have approximately 160 local athletes participating in our association,our annual expenditures are over $125,000 and it takes 12 elected volunteers to make all this run smoothly.
This year we are offering an incentive for you to attend the AGM. Each parent or guardian that attends will receive a discount of $25.00 their player's registration for the 2020/2021 season. One discount per registered player.
This year we have the following positions available for election:
Operations Chair
Ways and Means Convener
If you or someone you know would be a good fit to fill these positions and assist in managing Coldwater Minor Hockey I encourage you to come to the meeting. More information about the positions and what the they entail is available on the board at the arena.
See you at the AGM!!