AGM for Coldwater Minor Hockey, News (Coldwater Minor Hockey Association)

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Feb 14, 2019 | Executive | 2215 views
AGM for Coldwater Minor Hockey
Please join us for the CMHA AGM on Monday March 4th from 7pm at the Coldwater Legion.  We will review the year past and current looking at where Coldwater Minor Hockey is headed and what the next season will bring our way.  At this time there are various positions to be filled for the 2019-2020 season.  Details posted on arena board. Each family with a member in attendance will receive a $25.00 credit towards next season's registration.

Feb 11 2019 


Subject: Coldwater Minor Hockey Annual General Meeting    


Hello Hockey Parents, Guardians, Players and Friends 


I would like to invite you to attend our Annual General Meeting being held on March 4 at 7 PM at Coldwater Legion.  At this meeting we review the financial position of our association, review proposed changes to our constitution review any changes to minor hockey as proposed by the OMHA and elect new members to our executive.  This is your opportunity to have your say to how the association is run.  We currently have approximately 130 local athletes participating in our association, our annual expenditures are over $125,000 and it takes 12 elected volunteers to make all this run smoothly.  


This year we are offering an incentive for you to attend the Annual General Meeting.  Each family that attends will receive a $25 discount on registration fees for the 2019/2020 season.   


Our constitution is posted on the web site and if you wish to propose changes to the constitution please bring the suggested changes to the AGM.  


Page BreakThis year we have the following positions available for election.  If you or someone you know is interested in filling one of these positions and assist in managing Coldwater Minor Hockey I encourage you to come to the meeting and either nominate a person for a vacant position or make your self available for nomination. This year we have the following positions open for election.  


  1. Vice President 

  1. Equipment Manager 

  1. Referee in Chief 

  1. Tournament Coordinator  

  1. GBTLL Convener  


Look forward to seeing you all at eth Annual General Meeting  





Frank Brazda 

President Coldwater Minor Hockey Association 



The following positions are up for election this year  



7.1 DUTIES: The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in the event of the President’s illness or absence. The Vice-President will perform such duties as are assigned by the President and ratified by the Executive Committee.  

7.2 ELIGIBILITY: Persons nominated for Vice-President shall have served on the Executive Committee for one year and have been a member of the Association for at least two years. If there is no Executive member having served one year, consideration of any association member may be put forward. 




11.1 DUTIES: The Referee-in-Chief shall organize a list of referees capable of refereeing games in Coldwater. He/She will assign referees to games as to the qualifications required for that game. He/She shall be conversant to all rules of the OMHA and CHA in order to answer all queries from Referees and members of the Association. He/She shall attend all Executive Committee meetings and provide a verbal report. He/She will arrange any upgrading requirements for referees within the Association and relay any policy changes from the OMHA or Association. 

11.2 ELIGIBILITY: Persons nominated for Referee-in-Chief shall have been a member of the Association for at least two years and hold CHA Level III Certificate. 




14.1 DUTIES: The Equipment Manager shall be responsible for all of the equipment in possession of the Association. He/She will compile an inventory list of all equipment; will assign sweaters, goalie equipment and other related equipment to the team official or member. All team officials or members will be required to sign all equipment out. He/She will make requests and recommendations of equipment required to the Executive Committee meetings and provide a verbal report on the equipment. 


14.2 ELIGIBILITY: Persons nominated for Equipment Manager shall have been a member of the Association. 



16.1 DUTIES: The Local League Convener shall represent the Association at all Georgian Bay Minor Hockey League meetings and shall express the concerns of the Association and act in the best interest of the Association. The Convener will attend all Executive Committee meetings and make a verbal report on the GBMH issues. He/She will notify all team officials of their ice schedule for regular season lay, playoffs and any rescheduled games and present all minutes and agendas. The Convener will be responsible for ensuing all contracts are made out correctly and sent in to the GBMH office. He/She will be responsible for filling out game sheets for home scheduled games and notifying Referee-in-Chief of games.  

16.1 ELIGIBILITY: Persons nominated for Local League Convener shall have been a member of the Association. 


18.1 TOURNAMENT CONVENOR DUTIES: The Tournament Convener will facilitate the organization of the Rep, Local League and House League tournaments in Coldwater. He/she will work with the Operations Committee, the OMHA Convener, the Local League Convener and the division conveners. He/she will be a member of the Executive and will attend all Executive meetings and report verbally to the Executive.  

18.2 ELIGIBILITY: Person(s) nominated for the position of Tournament Convener shall be a member of the Association. 

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