SELECT TEAM INFORMATION, News (Coldwater Minor Hockey Association)

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Sep 21, 2017 | K Aigeldinger | 3426 views
Coldwater Minor Hockey Association - Roster Select 2017/2018 Coldwater Minor Hockey Association is pleased to announce that we will be offering a Roster Select Program for our Atom, Peewee, and Bantam age divisions.

The 'rest of the article' has all necessary information with regards to the tryouts and upon success the additional cost of $200.00.  Please contact Danny Bell if you are unsure about your eligibility to join the select teams. 

Coldwater Minor Hockey Association - Roster Select


Coldwater Minor Hockey Association is pleased to announce that we will be offering a Roster Select Program for our Atom, Peewee, and Bantam age divisions in our 2017/2018 Season. Each division has met the guidelines of section 4.4 in the OMHA Manual of Operations.

Roster Select (RS) Teams are intended by OMHA to allow Local League players an opportunity to experience hockey at an elevated level of play.

Players from more than one Local League team will come together to practice as an (RS) team and play in games and tournaments, in addition to their regular Local League Season practices and games. No Roster Select Program activities will interfere with the player’s Local League commitments.

The team composition will be 17 players including 2 goaltenders (maximum) and every team will follow the OMHA Guidelines for Local League “Roster Select”. Teams will participate in 2-3 Tournaments per season and 2-3 Exhibition Games per month (maximum). One practice per week unless a game is played or the ice time is not available. Coaching selection will be completed by the second week of October and tryouts will be scheduled. There will be two tryouts for each division. All rosters and bench staff will be approved by the Operations Committee once tryouts are completed.

The cost associated to this team will be reasonable and overseen by the CMHA Operations Committee.  At this time the cost has been determined to be $200.00. Tryouts will be scheduled in the third week of October and there will be 2 tryouts per team. Operations will approve all team lists prior to announcing the team. The registration fee after successfully making the team will be paid to the CMHA. The fee will cover home ice times for practice, referee fees, and time clock.


OMHA Manual of Operations


Rostered Select Teams (Tyke through Juvenile)


a) A Rostered Select Team is a team comprised of players selected from affiliated

House League or Local League teams in a Centre. All players must be eligible by age and by residence for the Centre as per OMHA Residence Regulation 3.3.Exception to ‘eligible by residence’ per, OMHA Residence Regulation 3.3, will be granted to players that have participated in a Centre’s House League or Local League programming for a minimum of two (2) consecutive seasons. These players will be eligible to be rostered on a Roster Select team in that Centre.


b) All teams must be registered on an electronic roster.


c) Teams may roster a maximum of nineteen (19) players.

d) Select Team Rosters must be submitted to the Regional Director or his designate for approval prior to participation.

e) Players are not eligible to be registered with more than one “Rostered” Select Team in a Centre in a season.

f) The number of exhibition games allowed is three (3) per month and the number of tournaments allowed is three (3) Regulations108 per season. Any adjustments or amendments in excess of these numbers must be approved in writing by the Regional Director or OMHA appointed Convenor.

g) Permission to participate in exhibition games within the OHF must be obtained via the OMHA Portal and approved by the Regional Director, appointed OMHA Area Convenor or designate.

h) Permission to participate in exhibition games outside the OHF must be obtained from the OMHA Executive Director via the OMHA Portal. The application will not be approved until the Centre has submitted the applicable fee.

i) Permission to participate in tournaments within the OMHA must be obtained via the OMHA Portal and approved by the Regional Director, appointed OMHA Area Convenor or designate.

j) Permission to participate in tournaments outside the OMHA must be obtained from the OMHA Executive Director via the OMHA Portal. The application will not be approved until the Centre has submitted the applicable fee.

k) Participation on a Rostered Select Team is not considered an OMHA affiliation.

l) A Rostered Select Team may not affiliate players. Players rostered to a higher age division team in House/Local League who are eligible for residency restricted hockey within the Centre of registration are allowed to be rostered to the Rostered Select team in their own age division, provided the rostering team is not eligible for OHF, Provincial or Regional Championships.

m) Additions or deletions to a Rostered Select Team will necessitate re-application as per Regulation 4.4.

n) Refer to OMHA Policy 2.3, Program Below Novice, for additional information.

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