Jan 05, 2014 | jblunt | 1070 views
Novice/Atom Tournament a Huge Success!!!!
On Saturday January 4th CMHA hosted a four team Novice and four team Atom Tournament. Teams participating included Coldwater, Parry Sound, Creemore, North Muskoka, Drayton, Midland, and Brock. Congratulations go to the Coldwater Wildcats for winning the Novice Championship and the Drayton Defenders for winning the Atom Championship.
A big thank-you goes out to all the volunteers that helped to make this tournament a success. From organizing, getting supplies, running the kitchen, setting up tables/chairs, the craft table, movies for the kids, candy floss, printing off the rules/tournament schedule/chart, coaches, refs, timekeeper, prize tables, chuck a puck, and the list goes on and on!!!!
Thanks for making this a great day for the kids!!!!!